Wanna Have A Laugh Folks...

Step Right This Way !

Since June 1, 1995 311357 people have attended
The Vintage Vaudeville & Ragtime Show

The Lobby



Are you ready for a couple of laughs?

Well, here we go!

A Little History...

For more than a hundred years, vaudeville was America's most popular form of entertainment. The people that sit glued to their TV sets today would have been flocking to their local Palace to see the top stars of the day doing their acts.

"The acrobats, the animal acts, the dancers, the singers and the old-time comedians have taken their final bows and disappeared into the wings of obscurity. For 50 years from 1875 to 1925 - vaudeville was the popular entertainment of the masses. The vaudeville actor roamed the country with a smile and a suitcase. With his brash manner, flashy clothes, capes and cane, and accompanied by his gaudy womenfolk, the vaudevillian brought happiness and excitement to the communities that were visited."


The focal point of vaudeville - its home base was the Palace theater in the heart of New York's theater district, at Broadway and 47 th Street. It was every actor's ambition to play the Palace in New York. Monday afternoon was the first show and the house would be filled with performers from all around town. They'd come in for the matinee. And all the Broadway talent scouts and agents would come down to see the show, because how you went over determined what your future bookings would be. Being a hit at the Palace was just thrilling!

The Palace opened in 1913 and with the advent of radio and talking pictures in 1927 was forced to close its doors, as a vaudeville house, in 1932. Its fate was sealed.

Are you ready? The show is about to start!

Read on to experience some of those great moments that were captured by the Recording Pioneers of the early part of the century! These recordings were transferred from several different types of recorded media. In the early part of the century there were mainly 3 types of media - the 78 r.p.m. disc record, the cylinder record, and the Edison diamond disc record. These sound bites are taken from all 3 sources.

About the Sound Format Used On The Site

The sounds files on this site were transferred to tape thru advanced digital filtering.
Vintage Recordings- having been producing high quality tape transfers for 5 years.

The quality on the actual cassettes is far superior the Real Audio Sound Format used on this site. Each sound bite will play for about 30 seconds.

The full version is available from Vintage Recordings. Each Vintage Recording Cassette Lasts for One Hour and contains about 20 selections. The sound is transferred to tape using a advanced Digital Filtering System which provides for very clean sound.
To Find Out How To Order Your Vintage Cd & Cassette Recordings - Click Here

If you are having problems playing any of the Real Audio files, please contact me.